So 3's a crowd huh? Or at least 3 kids is to most people! I just don't get it. Nor do I want to! The way most people have a negative outlook on families with 3 kids is something that has frustrated me for awhile now! I can't tell you how many people told us to stop when we had "the perfect family" with one boy & one girl! I get it, that may be perfect for some but that wasn't perfect for us and that's okay! My 3 kids are my world and I think it's so crucial to do what you feel is best for you & your family! I've always wanted 4 babies and some part of me still does, but my hubs does not so we have 3 and whatever happens I was made to be the mama of these 3 babes!
I say this with a witty heart, yet again I mean it with the most grateful heart! I spend my days with these little people that me & my husband created out of love & that is just pretty much the greatest thing ever! This does include bathroom trips which are never solo, or trying to hide in the pantry to finish ONE hot cup of freakin' coffee before they find me, or heck even my showers when they are in bed that still involve them because their toys are all over the floor! Ha!
I have always heard people say how different the genders can be but man were they right! I am so glad God placed girls & boys for Matt & I to raise because it has taught me so much! I love that I have a girly girl to take with me to get my nails done, enroll her in cheer competition teams and play dress up with but then turn right around and I am teaching Kaige (and Huxx someday) how important it is to "tee tee" with the wind (with help from daddy because I was oblivious to this) and teaching them how to treat girls! They all melt my hearts and when the drama from Greleigh gets too much I have the breath of fresh air of my boys who couldn't care less if their hair is done, if their socks are on straight or if they are wearing their favorite outfit! And then in the moments when the banging and screaming and pretend wrestling get too much I find a breath of fresh air with my only little princess who wants to sit quietly and color or paint for 45 minutes straight without making a peep! It's the mix I need and I couldn't love it more!!!
When we had Huxx the main adjustment was being outnumbered! Not necessarily at home because I have that pretty much under controlled chaos but going out....that is a game changer! When you have more little people than adults things get interesting, but that also means I'm outnumbered with precious hands to hold, toes to kiss, bellies to tickle and lots of "I love you mommy's" It's the best!
Being a mom to three kids 4 and under is challenging but it's perfect! I hate the "are these all yours" comments, the stares like we're a circus or the most annoying "were they all planned this close" I mean I know people just say things sometimes but like that would change anything if they weren't?! (ps. They were all planned & we wanted them this close) ...it's a family you guys and it's our family and we love it! <3
Read more about my struggles with saying goodbye to the baby days here!!
And a little bit more about me here!
Hey Y’all! I’m Bailey! I am a blessed wife, to my fabulous husband Matt and stay at home mom to three littles, Greleigh, Kaige & Huxx! I am a small town Texas girl heading to the big city. I grew up in a town of 365 people so really anything is “big city” to me! We are chaos everywhere we go with 3 little 4 and under & I love it! I am a nurse, turned realtor, turned just stay-at-home and raise my babies kind of girl! This blog is to share our everyday life and things we love! Hope you stay awhile & lets be friends!
You can find her on her BLOG, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM & PINTEREST.
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