
Monday, March 14, 2016

::Weekend Snapshots:: Link-Up with 3TwentySix & The Reinvention of Jessica

When we created Houston Latina Bloggers the group was meant to join together local Latina writers who really wanted to engage their readers and simply be part of a culturally unique group. I feel that the purpose has definitely evolved and changed over the past few months. We seek to not only bring together local Latinas who love to write and are true social media influencers but also motivate and inspire all women to feel empowered and share their unique voice. I hope that over the next year we can further grow this sense of community and share even more. 

In the meantime, the ladies that form the group are extremely wonderful and motivate me to keep moving forward in our direction.

I couldn't do anything or make things possible without my fellow co-founders, a huge thanks as always to Ariana of 3TwentySix and Jihane of OnixJ. While I have been seen as the face and "voice" of the team, the ladies who run all the behind the scenes are incredible and truly nothing can be done without them. Their support of my somewhat out there ideas has been great and I truly see them as my Latina Tribe who have been here for me through this amazing venture and journey. Our own community of constant support and love, it's so important to what we do, to always support one another. 

Oh, weekend snapshots. Right, so this past weekend was amazing. We had a great event with amazing women involved. Wonderful sponsors such as Kroger, CHI, Define Hair Studio in Spring, Thinking Girls Boutique, and Pollo Tropical.  Two make-up artist Sylvia and Jannette, as well as three very inspiring speakers.

First up was Dr. Kelley Watts, a local family therapist who spoke on how we should not allow our inner demons to take charge of our world, and instead we should conquer them one day at a time and be confident in who we are.  Then, came a personal favorite, as she is my boot camp trainer Maggie of Texas Fit Chicks. She spoke about how she isn't the typical young trainer and how her weight struggles led her to where she is today. She confessed to having a cheat day and how she creates balance in her everyday workout routine by also indulging in those things she loves. She spoke about being motivated as a fellow Momma of Dos and growing into her true purpose. She is an amazing motivator and person. Finally, my good friend Sharon of the Bitchy Business Briefs told us a little about her daily activities keep her mentally and physically healthy and young. How she doesn't want to necessarily be young again but knows the importance of feeling great at whatever age. How embracing your age and learning to care for yourself has given her new life.

All the ladies had such wonderful stories to share, that I feel they impacted us in many ways. They gave great insights into how our overall well being affects our everyday lives as women. How negative thoughts affect our inner beauty which in return affects what we feel like and look like. And, that we should really focus on ourselves to be strong and healthy because in the end if we aren't well our lives show it and our moods can be altered in a not so good way!

The rest of our weekend was spent, with friends, resting and eating great homemade food.

{This is a Link-Up with 3TwentySix & The Reinvention of Jessica }

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