The days here in Houston have been rainy so today we have a post that will help you deal with rainy day blues!
It will also get your kids ready to watch the new sure to be hit movie, The BoxTrolls! My son is so excited for this movie, he watches the clips every time he can on YouTube!!!
This month is his birthday month so we promised to take him next week when it comes out, he is looking forward to it!! So, when I printed these fun activity sheets out he was eager to work on them. You too can download fun new posters, activity sheets and watch clips of the upcoming movie by visiting:
It will also get your kids ready to watch the new sure to be hit movie, The BoxTrolls! My son is so excited for this movie, he watches the clips every time he can on YouTube!!!
This month is his birthday month so we promised to take him next week when it comes out, he is looking forward to it!! So, when I printed these fun activity sheets out he was eager to work on them. You too can download fun new posters, activity sheets and watch clips of the upcoming movie by visiting: http://www.
::Information provided by ::
THE BOXTROLLS, the family event movie from the creators of “Coraline” and “ParaNorman”, has debuted a behind the scenes look at the magic behind the creation of THE BOXTROLLS! THE BOXTROLLS, in theaters on September 26th, tells the story of a community of quirky, mischievous creatures who have lovingly raised an orphaned human boy, Eggs. THE BOXTROLLS features the voices of Elle Fanning, Ben Kingsley, Isaac Hempstead-Wright and Tracy Morgan.
“Nature of Creation” Featurette —
THE BOXTROLLS releases in theaters on September 26!
A family event movie from the creators of “Coraline” and “ParaNorman” that introduces audiences to a new breed of family – The Boxtrolls, a community of quirky, mischievous creatures who have lovingly raised an orphaned human boy named Eggs (voiced by Isaac Hempstead-Wright) in the amazing cavernous home they’ve built beneath the streets of Cheesebridge. When the town’s villain, Archibald Snatcher (Academy Award winner Ben Kingsley), comes up with a plot to get rid of the Boxtrolls, Eggs decides to venture above ground, “into the light,” where he meets and teams up with fabulously feisty Winnie (Elle Fanning). Together, they devise a daring plan to save Eggs’ family.
Un evento cinematográfico para toda la familia de los creadores de “Coraline” y “ParaNorman”, que le presenta a las audiencias a un nuevo tipo de familia: los Boxtrolls, una comunidad de criaturas estrafalarias y traviesas que han criado con amor a un niño humano huérfano llamado Eggs (con la voz de Isaac Hempstead-Wright) en la asombrosa casa cavernosa que han construido debajo de las calles de Cheesebridge. Cuando el villano del pueblo, Archibald Snatcher (el ganador del Premio de la Academia Ben Kingsley), propone un plan para eliminar a losBoxtrolls, Eggs decide aventurarse a la superficie, “para encontrar la luz”, y allí conoce y se hace amigo de la fabulosamente enérgica Winnie (Elle Fanning). Juntos, conciben un osado plan para salvar a la familia de Eggs.
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