This week I am most thankful for:
{My Age} I will be 32 in June. That means I have lived through a lot with a lot of people who have come and gone. I am thankful for life, my life experiences and always making the best of every situation. I have in my 32 years gained wisdom, faith, and hopefully maturity. I know what I want and where my life is going. Sure nothing is set in stone and I don't have life figured out but I definitely know who I am and where I am going.
{Sincerity} I have a lot of friends who have the best interest in mind and who are all living their lives on their own terms and following their own paths. I like to think that when it comes to our relationship they are being sincere. I am thankful for their sincerity and honesty. Be who you are and never allow popularity to overcome truth. It's what I have learned.....
{Becoming a Stay@HomeMomma} My children will only be 3 { and 7 months} and 2 yrs old once. I will never be able to come back to this stage of their lives again, it's been so critical, our bonding, my patience being tested, and our lives being rocked to their very core. We have had to experience the best and worse of each other to know that, this is it, our little family of 4, we have each other and I pray that we will be here for one another for years, and years to come. My 6 months at home have made me thankful for my life, my children who are an amazing Blessing and for my Husband who has become an even more amazing Provider. It's been difficult. But, I am thankful.
{Social Media/Networking} This has made me feel relevant. I usually shy away from joining big groups of super important and accomplished Bloggers/Writer/Activist/ Social Media Gurus because I am intimidated by their expertise. But, I have been so Blessed to have been added to some pretty awesome groups of Bloggers/Writer/Activist/ Social Media Gurus not just from Texas but from all over the U.S. They have made me feel as if what I sit and enjoy doing is well worth it. I am thankful for those group of Bloggers/Writer/Activist/ Social Media Gurus who have made me feel as if I belong. It's so important as a Stay@HomeMomma to have a sense of self and community. Thank you everyone.
What are you most thankful for this week??
Love this amiga!!! So much to be thankful for ;)
Totally get it
I need to start doing a post like this! I'm so glad I "met" you! Your posts are a joy to read.
Most Thankful or Family. Even though times are tough we are working through them. And I love your reasons to be thankful.
so many awesome things to be thankful for. I love that you are embracing being a SAHM! Happy Thursday
What a wonderful post! We really do need to remind ourselves, to be thankful, each and every day. :)
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