Monday, November 14, 2011


And no, she ain't  my Tia. Just sayin'...

But, she is my Momma.


Growing up my Momma and Grad-Ma {my Momma's mom} both had their share of ideas of things and rituals that would make us feel better. Old wives tales if you will about what not to do when you're sick and what you should do to get better. Like, not walking without socks on a cold floor cause it makes colic worse. Or popping your back with aciete de recino and then taking a tea spoon of it as a remedy to make constipation better. Or drinking a mixture of fresh herbal teas for various aches and pains. Even wearing an "ojo de venado" for el mal de ojo, when you are a baby. Or the very popular limpia con el huevo. Yes. My Momma and Grand-Ma both had deep belief in remedios caseros... as we grew older we became a bit more skeptic and kept only those "rituals" which we "thought" helped or soothed....

I thinks it's a cultural tradition that comes from various areas of beliefs; including religious and just everyday wisdom from one Nana to the next... 

Hay tantos remedios caseros {some really work, I think!}

These are some that come to mind when I think of remedios...

  • Miel con limon para la garganta.

  • Te de Manzanilla para los colicos. {I just love all kinds of teas!}

  • and warm Savila for various skin issues.{They sell this stuff by the jug so it much work!}

More recently my Momma has been trying to treat my current Kidney condition con agua de uso, which is basically a variety of "leaves" boiled in a pot of water. I joke and tell my Momma  that I know she got them from her morning walk off people's lawns but I have faith in her and her mixutres..I drink them and pray to God that I can be healed soon. Inside and out. I need it.

I know this type of remedios aren't "normal" to many but as a Mexican child of a Mexican Momma, I believe in them and their healing relief...My Momma always says... "si no te cura tampoco te hace daño..." but more times than not I feel better...

My agua de uso is composed of "cola de caballo" and "palo azul" so far...I feel better... I think Momma's just have that extra touch that make everything better...

What about you? Do you believe in remedios caseros, if so...what are some of your favs?

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