[This Post was written in Nov 2009, but still very accurate]
I really wish I would have kept a written journal of the last 8 weeks…. it’s not a blur, but it’s soo much that I can’t remember! Ricardo and I felt like we were on that TLC show “Bringing Home Baby”…it was very unrealistic. To know that THIS baby is yours and that you are experiencing what all these other first time parents have, is just mind-blowing.
Recovery was very frustrating. Trying to jump out of bed as my baby wailed that he was hungry,dirty, needed to be burped, wet, hot, cold or just needed to cuddle (this last part cracks my husband up).
The sleeping…well for the first 2 weeks not only did I not know anything about the outside world but I also didn’t remember what daylight looked like. Only waking to feed, change, burp, or clean my child. I slept as many hours as he did and our usual time to get up was 3pm. Our days would just begin and soon after, it was night and time to go back to bed.
The first two to fours weeks we spent in hibernation. The entire family(Ricardo, Santiago and myself)! We only left the house if needed, at least the baby and I. Ricardo was our errand boy, as if we were part of some secret cult that only sent out for rations once a month. He ran all the errands, paid all the bills and helped me with EVERYTHING that I could not physically do.
To say the least 8 weeks later my husband is burnt out. But, here is the real insanity, Ricardo was laid off one week before Santiago was born and well he has not found a job. Ricardo often joked about how I would finish my studies and become a doctor so that he could become a Stay at Home Dad, a Mr. Mom if you will. Well after 10 years his dream has come true..I am not a doctor but he is a Stay at Home Dad and despite the fact that I thought I would end up staying home I had to return to work only 7 weeks after Santiago was born to help keep our home afloat.
So, now he is getting a taste of what it’s like to be me. Don’t get me wrong…I am still me…I worry, clean my house, help with the cooking, do laundry and now take care of my baby…all after a full 8 hrs of work! And after only 8 days of it, he is convinced that sometimes your “dreams” are a bit over-rated. {Ha.}
In this attempt to relate, discuss, transcend and share my life with the world from this day on I will begin to blog about our little life. Typing up stories about motherhood,being a working mom, Ricardo’s progress as he finds work and finishes school and about life in general. {2011 NOTE: WOW. I have kept this up!!!!} I hope that this new chapter in our lives interest you as much or more as the last one did.
In all yes motherhood is a challenge, being a working mom and wife is not easy but I love the two men in my life and I WOULDN’T CHANGE IT FOR THE WORLD. {2011 NOTE: I STILL SAY AND THINK THIS!!!!!!}
What is to come ONLY GOD knows and as I hope you know my FAITH is all I have, my opinions about it and how I convey it can be strong…but that’s the only way I know how. In no way should anyone think that I am ever trying to impose my beliefs on them, you are your own person and nothing I say should change what you believe or who you are, unless that’s what you want. {2011 NOTE: I STILL SAY AND THINK THIS!!!!!!}
God Bless and Enjoy the ride….we sure are!

The sleeping…well for the first 2 weeks not only did I not know anything about the outside world but I also didn’t remember what daylight looked like. Only waking to feed, change, burp, or clean my child. I slept as many hours as he did and our usual time to get up was 3pm. Our days would just begin and soon after, it was night and time to go back to bed.
The first two to fours weeks we spent in hibernation. The entire family(Ricardo, Santiago and myself)! We only left the house if needed, at least the baby and I. Ricardo was our errand boy, as if we were part of some secret cult that only sent out for rations once a month. He ran all the errands, paid all the bills and helped me with EVERYTHING that I could not physically do.
To say the least 8 weeks later my husband is burnt out. But, here is the real insanity, Ricardo was laid off one week before Santiago was born and well he has not found a job. Ricardo often joked about how I would finish my studies and become a doctor so that he could become a Stay at Home Dad, a Mr. Mom if you will. Well after 10 years his dream has come true..I am not a doctor but he is a Stay at Home Dad and despite the fact that I thought I would end up staying home I had to return to work only 7 weeks after Santiago was born to help keep our home afloat.
So, now he is getting a taste of what it’s like to be me. Don’t get me wrong…I am still me…I worry, clean my house, help with the cooking, do laundry and now take care of my baby…all after a full 8 hrs of work! And after only 8 days of it, he is convinced that sometimes your “dreams” are a bit over-rated. {Ha.}
In this attempt to relate, discuss, transcend and share my life with the world from this day on I will begin to blog about our little life. Typing up stories about motherhood,being a working mom, Ricardo’s progress as he finds work and finishes school and about life in general. {2011 NOTE: WOW. I have kept this up!!!!} I hope that this new chapter in our lives interest you as much or more as the last one did.
In all yes motherhood is a challenge, being a working mom and wife is not easy but I love the two men in my life and I WOULDN’T CHANGE IT FOR THE WORLD. {2011 NOTE: I STILL SAY AND THINK THIS!!!!!!}
What is to come ONLY GOD knows and as I hope you know my FAITH is all I have, my opinions about it and how I convey it can be strong…but that’s the only way I know how. In no way should anyone think that I am ever trying to impose my beliefs on them, you are your own person and nothing I say should change what you believe or who you are, unless that’s what you want. {2011 NOTE: I STILL SAY AND THINK THIS!!!!!!}
God Bless and Enjoy the ride….we sure are!
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