Monday, August 2, 2010

Going Green.

So, I promised I was going to go GREEN for Santi. I did SOME research and basically ended up reading labels and finally just went to the store to buy some products. These are some of the products that I've found, that are affordable and don't smell horrible! I got these at Babies R Us with coupons from the websites but as always....Target has then as well and they accept different manufacturing coupons.

The first three are basic food area and baby clean up items:
And this last one is for his Bathroom, I usually clean it after every other little man is kinda dirty...and he does bathe every night! Ha.

In the sense of trying to be a "Green Mommy", and in an attempt to help myself be more healthy, I have started by giving my baby healthy foods he seems to love them! 

Did I mention he LOVES to eat!

Eating diced Bananas.

On one of my trips to Ikea I decided to pick up an Apple Cutter thingy, Ha. Apple Slicer? Who knows but I know I have heard other mothers rave about it...and oh my are they ever so right!

Again my Santi doesn't mind my endless cutting and dicing of fruit...he enjoys it every bit!
And it's a nice little mind exercise for him....check out the concentration and the curled toes! LOVE IT. LOVE IT.

1 comment:

MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

When my boys were really little, I bought one of those plates with the three compartments. That way I was sure to offer a variety of food at each meal. *sigh* I sure miss those days!

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