Friday, November 7, 2014

Pre-Conference Jitters #beblogalicious #begreatb6


I know. I am not a newbie. But, this is really the first year that I get invited to "so many" different conferences and that I am able to attend. Therefore, most the conferences I attend are new to me. Even Blog Elevated which I attended last year, but this year the venue was new, there were so many new people and opportunities! 

When I first got invited to Blogalicious, I thought, "Oh sure, no biggie. Just another conference." But then, I registered and was added into the Facebook group. And, OH.MY.WOW. Within a day I realized how huge this will be and how awesome it is that I am ending this year's conference run with Blogalicious! I can just feel that it will be another amazing experience to share and learn from. 

After I had my major "O.M.W!" moment my next thought was; what am I going to wear?!?! Haha. Such a girl.  Here are a few looks and outfits from the conferences I have attended so far this year...

Also, it's midnight on Thursday and I am not yet finished packing! I leave tomorrow morning...if you want to follow my little adventure and conference wardrobe follow me on:


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