Friday, October 31, 2014

::Friday Letters:: #happyhalloween

Hello Friday!!!

Dear Friday!!! Thank goodness you are here!! I have been waiting for you all week.  Gracias!

Dear HOUSE. I know you are super messy, it's a bit scary, and I am not sure about that smell in the garage.....but we will see you on Sunday when we are done having Halloween fun! Haha. Sorry. #notsorry

Dear Opportunity, thank you for knocking on my door and ridding me of fears as I take the leaps of faith into what I know is my destiny and is most definitely my passion. #blogging #blogaliciousready

Dear Hubby & Kids, thank you again for showing me your constant love and support and allowing me to take us on this journey. It's not easy. We sacrifice a lot but I can promise that something amazing will come of this...

Dear Momma of Dos Reader, Have I told you how much I appreciate your support, some have been here since 2008, to you I say…WHOA! Thanks for bearing with us through the good, the bad and the growth and learning, it’s been quite the journey!!!! Muchas Gracias por estar aqui y por su apoyo! 

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