Monday, July 7, 2014

#ad Ford Trend Conference ::Day 2::

::Momma Disclosure:: {This is not a compensated post. I was invited by Ford Espanol to attend the Ford Trend Conference this year. Compensation was given in form of travel and lodging expenses. The statements below are both my true and honest opinion.

The hashtags that you can follow on Twitter to find more details and great statistics from the Ford Trend Conference are; #FurtherwithFord #FordTrends #FordEspanol #RoleForward #FordTech #FordGreen #DesigningInnovation

I have been to conferences in the past and there was some downtime involved, but with the Ford Trend Conference it was one exciting and learning experience after another. Each one filled with interesting data and inspiring speakers who composed the different panels for each session.

Day 2 started with an early 6:30am breakfast where I met the lovely Channing of Channing in theCity, she was very friendly, sweet and informative; together we headed into our first session of the morning. Frontier Female, talk about female empowerment through non-traditional roles! The session was kicked off by Chantel Lenard the Director of U.S. Marketing for Ford Motor Company. She discussed her work abroad in China and what she learned about females as consumers in that country compared to the U.S. The impact will be impressive in the next decade as we have already entered new levels within the consumer market. As women who not only maintain a home but also work outside the home to provide for our children we are already paving new roads for female generations to come.

Some of the stats that really stood out and that would make the most impact for me were the following;
  1. 67% of women in management roles in the U.S.
  2. 40% of primary breadwinners in U.S.
  4. 1 billion woman consumers are expected to enter the market and workforce in the next decade.
“Traditional gender roles are also changing and there are now 2 million women taking the wheel; For the first time in history female drivers outnumber male drives!”  Women’s roles are evolving and even your “average” role of being a Stay-at-home-Momma is no longer what it was just a few years ago.  And, in the same way many Momma’s are becoming successful business woman whether outside the home or from home, as are most Bloggers.  

As these roles evolve in the home and in the workplace they are reflected in the marketplace or in consumer trends for various items and more importantly for large consumer items such as vehicles which used to be dominated by men.  

Another speaker that caught my attention was Jenna Wofle of NBC. I knew her from television but when I heard her speak it really allowed me to connect with her on a whole new level. She is an incredible woman who has paved the way for many women reporters on so many different levels. I don't like to think of our personal lives as a barrier because we should be able to live it as we'd like. But, Jenna overcame the barriers presented not only of being a female Sports caster but also by openly sharing her personal life with NBC viewers. Jenna and her Partner became Momma's and her story of how it was revealed and how her co-workers embraced her just brought tears to my eyes. 

Life is difficult. Being an accomplished career women is difficult. Adding a child to any relationship is difficult. I can totally relate with Jenna in so many different areas and breaking those barrier or overcoming them is an everyday struggle for me. I can just imagine for someone like her who is in the spotlight being examined and judged every time she walks out of her house. It's not easy, but let me tell you; she is one amazingly accomplished Momma and her career is very impressive! I fell in love with her story and her take on Momma-hood!  

She was genuine and didn't mind taking pictures with us, she was definitely fun and her words made such an impact.

This day was information filled, other speakers in the morning session included;
New York Times best-selling author,
 strategist and leadership consultant
Contributing editor, New York Magazine

A couple of questions posed during the panel discussion were the following:
"Are we challenge free today or do we have a whole new host of challenges compared to those women from 40 years ago?"
“Why aren't there more women in leadership roles?”
What do you think? 

To be continued.... 

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